Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What is the true inflation tate?

Some people say that the economy is very strong because we have had very low inflation rates for years.

However in many areas of the United States the price of a home doubled in less than five years. That doubling in the cost of housing has not been reflected in the official inflation rate.

What do you estimate the true inflation rate to have been during the past five years as opposed to the artificially low official government numbers?

What is the true inflation tate?

A very effective way to estimate the true rate of inflation is to compare the increases in prices of basic commodities used in the food industry and tha manufacturing industry.

If you will compare the prices of basic commodities such as Corn, iron, copper and aluminum over the past five years you will see that on average those prices have doubled over the past five years.

Those prices a published in The Wall Street Journal. It is very easy to look them up.

A doubling of commodity prices over the past five years translates to a true inflation rate of 15%

What is the true inflation tate?

I run 32 lbs in the front and 30 lbs in the rear

What is the true inflation tate?

Imagine in your wild dream that economics is sensibly defined as study of nature, composition, properties, laws and classification of wealth. Start studying wealth the way chemists study matter.

Present value of wealth + Inflation = Future value of wealth


Present value of wealth + Time = Future value of wealth

Present value of wealth + Interest = Future value of wealth

From above we deduce mathematically that true value of inflation = Value of time = Value of interest and inflation is a form of wealth.

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